What is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy that involves burning dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) on or near the surface of the skin at specific acupuncture points or areas of the body. Here's how moxibustion works based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles:

  1. Warming and Expelling Cold: In TCM, health is described as a balance between Yin (cold) and Yang (heat). Moxibustion is used to introduce heat into the body, particularly where there is a perceived deficiency or imbalance of Yang energy. This warming effect helps expel cold and dampness from the body, which are considered causes of illness and pain.

  2. Stimulating Qi Flow: Qi (pronounced "chee") is the vital energy that flows through the body along meridians or pathways. When Qi becomes stagnant or blocked, it can lead to pain or disease. Moxibustion stimulates the flow of Qi and blood in the meridians, promoting healing and restoring balance.

  3. Strengthening Yang Energy: Yang energy is associated with warmth, activity, and metabolic processes in the body. Moxibustion is used to tonify Yang energy in cases where there is Yang deficiency, which can manifest as symptoms such as cold limbs, fatigue, or weak digestion.

  4. Supporting Immune Function: Traditional Chinese medicine views moxibustion as a method to enhance the body's defensive Qi (Wei Qi) and strengthen the immune system. By bolstering Wei Qi, moxibustion aims to prevent illness and promote overall health.

  5. Local and Systemic Effects: Depending on how moxibustion is applied (directly on the skin or indirectly above the skin), it can have both local effects (e.g., improving circulation, relieving muscle tension) and systemic effects (e.g., regulating organ function, balancing emotions).

  6. Complementary Therapy: Moxibustion is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other TCM therapies to enhance their effectiveness. It is tailored to the individual's specific pattern of disharmony and health condition.

  7. Stimulate blood circulation: The heat from the moxa improves blood flow, which can help with pain relief and overall well-being.

Modern research into moxibustion has explored its effects on pain relief, immune modulation, and even its potential role in treating certain conditions like breech presentation in pregnancy. While much of its mechanism remains rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and empirical evidence, ongoing scientific inquiry continues to investigate and validate its therapeutic benefits.

How is moxibustion therapy done?

There are several methods of applying moxibustion:

  • Direct moxibustion: The moxa is placed directly on the skin.

  • Indirect moxibustion: The moxa is placed on a slice of ginger, salt, or garlic before being applied to the skin.

  • Moxa stick: The burning moxa stick is held close to the skin.

Would you like to know more about the potential benefits of moxibustion?

If you would like to know more about how moxibustion and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help your specific health condition, book an appointment or FREE 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your health situation and treatment options.

As always I am honored serve Greater Los Angeles community, I look forward to the opportunity to share the relieving benefits of moxibustion and TCM with you soon!


Joe Recsnik L.Ac, DCCM

Licensed Chinese herbalist, acupuncturist, lead herbal pharmacist,

& Founder of POPULUSS Classical Eastern Healing

Proudly serving the nearby communities of Venice, Mar Vista, Inglewood, Ladera Heights, Palms, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Westwood, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, Culver City, Playa Del Rey, Playa Vista, Westchester. LAX and Greater Los Angeles

an image example of direct moxibustion

Image example of direct moxibustion tequnique

Image example of indirect moxibustion technique

Image example of indirect moxibustion technique

Image example of stick moxibustion technique

Image example of stick moxibustion technique


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