Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine: Comprehensive and Effective Treatment for COVID-19

For the better part of two years, I have been asked on an almost daily basis, “When do you think COVID will be over?”. With the arrival of the Omicron variant, there has been much discussion regarding the notion of COVID-19 becoming an endemic disease. For instance, the Great Spanish Flu of 1918 never totally went away. It eventually went through a process called attenuation (it got “less bad”), but there are still descendent strains of the Spanish Flu around today; it is an endemic disease. While scientists and public health officials are certainly not unanimous on the future of COVID -19, many believe there is a likelihood that it is endemic, or here to stay.

Since early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, much has been written and published on the comprehensive manner in which Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treat the virus. Whether during acute COVID infection, during post-COVID recovery, or helping to prevent susceptibility to becoming infected with the virus, acupuncture and herbal medicine are (and will continue to be) among the best comprehensive treatment approaches for dealing with illness due to COVID-19.

When it comes to prevention, acupuncture and herbal medicine help improve immunity by increasing the amount of your body’s immune cells, (such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and T-cells), reducing inflammation, and regulating stress. These treatments not only boost immunity but can also help curb overreaction of the immune system (aka the “cytokine storm”), and reduce potential for damage to lungs and internal organs should one become infected. For those seeking prevention I recommend acupuncture minimally 1-2 times per month and/or taking Chinese herbal medicine.

Should one test positive for COVID, taking Chinese herbal medicine at the onset of symptoms (fever, body aches, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.) can help significantly curb the severity and length of the illness and speed the recovery process. For your convenience I am continuing to offer herbal consultation by “telemedicine” and can either ship herbs directly to your home or arrange curbside pickup at the clinic.

In the COVID recovery stage, acupuncture and herbal medicine can help reduce lingering symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, palpitations, mood change, etc., that persist with some patients for weeks or months after initial infection. Patients are reporting acupuncture and herbal medicine treatment to significantly reduce or eliminate the symptoms of long COVID.

I have provided many patients COVID-19 centered care during the past two years of this pandemic.  This experience allows me to provide you with even more  targeted and effective treatments.

My colleagues and I are committed to keeping our patients as safe as possible and operate with the highest level of care and precaution to provide a safe environment for people to get treatment in person.  We follow CDC and LA County Department of Public Health recommendations and guidelines to combat the spread of COVID-19. Please be advised masks are required to be worn 100% of the time while in our offices. 

Feel free to contact me with questions.  I look forward to the opportunity to serve you!

Sincerely, -Joe


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