An advantage of treating Infertility with Classical Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine is its proven method of diagnosing each patient’s overall health condition and thus prioritizing an individual over a diagnosis. As such this holistic approach addresses stress levels, sleep quality, digestive heath, hormone balancing, and other issues that can affect one’s ability to conceive. Rather than A “one-size-fits-all” type of treatment, Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatments are completely customizable. The ability to treat each person as an individual is a main strength of Classical Chinese Medicine.

Classical Chinese Medicine can be used as a stand-alone, natural, drug-free treatment option to enhance fertility or It can also be safely used in conjunction with conventional Western Medical Infertility treatment (before and during pregnancy.)

We commonly & frequently will coordinate care with your doctors to support your infertility treatment.

At POPULUSS we can optimize your reproductive health & fertility by addressing the following conditions:


  • Decreased ovarian reserve

  • Egg freezing support

  • Elevated FSH

  • Endometriosis

  • IVF support

  • IUI support

  • Luteal phase defect (LPD)

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Unexplained infertility

  • Menstrual Health (regulate and adjust the menstrual cycle)

                 -Early or late periods

                 -Bleeding between periods

                 -Pain connected to ovulation

                 -Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

                 -Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)

                 -Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain/cramps)

                 -Irregular menstruation

  • Leukorrhea/CANDIDA/Vaginal discharge

  • Urinary Tract Infections

  • Morning sickness

  • Breech presentation


  • Prostate health, BPH

  • erectile dysfunction (ED)

  • premature ejaculation

  • decreased libido

  • Low sperm count, poor motility, poor morphology

  • Low testosterone

Infertility, Prenatal & Postpartum

We Support Women and Men in their infertility journey
If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, we believe you each can benefit from acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment. We use customized treatments coordinated with the menstrual cycle. From premature ovarian failure, Diminished ovarian reserve, Elevated FSH levels, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and even blocked fallopian tubes, we address all of these causes of infertility in our practice.

But we don't just focus on women! Men with low sperm counts, poor motility or other problems can also benefit from Chinese Medicine treatment.

Conceiving Naturally
Many couples need a little help with conceiving. You might be in the early stages of family planning and need support. Many couples seek help because there's no known "cause" of infertility. we individually tailor your treatments using herbs, acupuncture, nutrition, and relaxation.

IVF/IUI Support
We have protocols for helping prepare & support your body before and after IVF & IUI.

We help nurture a healthy pregnancy, by helping to prevent miscarriage, alleviate nausea, reduce swelling & discomfort, promote labor, and so much more.

Postpartum Care
We love supporting post-partum moms to nourish them during childbirth recovery. We are attuned to the needs of both new moms and dads during the “fourth trimester”. Fatigue from long labor, poor milk supply, and “Baby blues” are just a couple of examples.


To address INFERTILITY & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH we may recommend one or more of the following treatment methods:






Schedule an appointment or request a free 15-minute consultation to find out how POPULUSS can help you.


We’ll create a clear, custom plan that targets your health and lifestyle goals.


Reach your health goals and feel empowered to live the life you want from now on.

  • “I first came to Joe for fertility issues. My partner and I had been trying to conceive for a while, but had repeated early losses. I was feeling hopeless, depressed, and my hormones were all over the place. I came after a friends recommendation and within my first month of seeing Joe, my hormones stabilized, my mood shifted, and I got pregnant. I'm half way through my pregnancy now and see Joe weekly. I consider Joe a part of my care team along with my doula and OB and will continue to see him through the end of pregnancy and postpartum.” –Olivia W

  • "I've had acupuncture done intermittently over the years and taken herbal formulas as well, mostly for digestive issues and low energy.  This time, I was seeking out acupuncture for fertility support. I went to see Joe, and I feel so lucky to have worked with him!  Joe did a fantastic job of getting my system ready for pregnancy and then supporting my body when I got pregnant. I saw him weekly and took herbs as well. He was always very attentive and thoughtful. He also fielded a bunch of random questions I had that weren't really his responsibility to answer--questions about the kind of birth I wanted, etc--and was always honest and evenhanded in his responses, and generous in indulging my various lines of inquiry.  I am certain that acupuncture and herbs had a part in the success of my pregnancy, and I would recommend Joe to anyone seeking a healthier and more balanced system." -Kate C

  • "I started (seeing Joe) about 5 months ago due to fertility issues. I had read that acupuncture and herbs are supposed to help so I thought I would give it a try! Up until this point my doctors had all seemed so grim about my condition, but working with Joe has been completely life changing. He is incredibly gifted at what he does and not only did he fix my cycles and hormone levels, but I also fell pregnant for the first time in my life a few weeks ago, when every other doctor said I needed IVF! I look forward to my weekly sessions- they are the most relaxing moment of my week. I am so glad to have such a wise and thoughtful practitioner and I cannot recommend this clinic more highly." -Ellie L